Good job, you found my CV

Enjoy the show

Take a moment to learn more about me... I mean, you've made it this far, you clearly don't have better things to do.

The last time I wrote a bio for myself was on Tinder, and as a pot-bellied, 'happily' married father of two, that was a long ass time ago - but here it goes:

Born and raised in the smooth-sailing streets of Johannesburg, I survived multiple gun fights to arrive on the extremely sunny shores of Dubai. I plied my trade and gradually became a writer worth his weight in words... Except words don't weigh much. Fortunately, my ideas have been good enough to ensure I've always made a valuable impact.

Assoc. Content Lead - NNC
  • Conceiving and maintaining a creative vision for multiple public-facing projects

  • Leading a team of creatives to produce full-spectrum solutions for creative briefs

  • Creating and supporting the implementation of international campaigns

  • Ensuring all English copy for all clients is presented within the confines of a determined content direction

  • Working alongside account managers to decide on appropriate and successful creative marketing strategies

  • Working alongside producers and art directors to ensure all creative output achieves its intended purpose

Creative Director - Studio 52
  • Responsible for content ideation and execution

  • Production of scripts, presentations, and pitches for all client work

  • Directing and managing a team through the entire project scope

  • Working on multiple project types - from long-form safety content to 15-second TVCs

  • Maintaining close client relationships whilst spear-heading their goals

Lead Producer - IntelliLab
  • Creating content across a multitude of platforms - from educational Youtube videos, to six-hour live studio productions

  • Writing content for screen, press releases, and company promotions

  • Show-runner and director of television show Raptor Farm